NORTIA guest lectures 2018, Leiden University
Submitted by Maastricht University on Thu, 10/03/2019 - 23:49
Dr Karolina Pomorska organised a series of guest lectures at the University of Leiden about EU politics and EU foreign policy. Following recordings are now available online:
The European Parliament: What? How? Why bother? - Dr Kolja Raube (KU Leuven), 18 April 2018
Decision Making in the European Union - Dr Heidi Maurer (LSE), 25 April 2018
EU migration policy in crisis - Dr Natasja Reslow (Maastricht University), 30 April 2018
Differentiated Integration: the future of Europe? - Dr Heidi Maurer (LSE), 7 May 2018
Brexit: where are we now? - Prof Richard Whitman (University of Kent), 9 May 2018
The EU´s relations with Russia - Dr Tom Casier (University of Kent Brussels), 14 May 2018