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NORTIA essay competition: 50 years of European foreign policy cooperation

Submitted by Maastricht University on Fri, 04/19/2019 - 13:14

NORTIA Student Essay Competition:

“50 years of European foreign policy cooperation”

Are you a Master student researching European foreign policy, European external relations or the EU´s role in the world?  Then we invite you to participate in this NORTIA essay competition.

We are inviting research essays by Master students, which add to our understanding of 50 years of European foreign policy cooperation: What are the main achievements and failures of 50 years of European foreign policy cooperation? How do current political trends in Europe contest foreign policy cooperation? To what effect is European foreign policy increasingly contested internationally? What role does the institutionalized EU foreign policy system (High Representative, European External Action Service, Political and Security Committee) play in those dynamics?

NORTIA, the Jean Monnet Network on Research and Teaching in EU Foreign Affairs welcomes well-reflected and thoroughly researched essays and research papers of Master students (no disciplinary restrictions). Successful papers are expected to concisely identify and situate relevant questions in the academic and policy debate and offer an innovative and creative perspective. Submissions should comprise up to 10,000 words and be written by students at the Master level. 

The three best essays will be selected by an independent commission consisting of NORTIA network members. The paper with the most meaningful contribution to the conference topic will be invited to join the NORTIA Network Conference on “50 years of European foreign policy cooperation” in Florence in May 2020. All three essays will be published on the NORTIA website.

The deadline for submission is the 1 October 2019. Please send your contribution, including an abstract and a short biographical note, to

You can download the call also here.

April 11

NORTIA panels at UACES 2019 conference in Lisbon

May 16

2nd NORTIA conference, 5-7 June 2019 in Poznan - draft programme