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ANTERO Doctoral Studies Residencies (deadline extended!)

Submitted by admin on Mon, 04/25/2016 - 11:47

The ANTERO network invites PhD researchers from within the network to apply for bursaries to support an extended residency (1-3 months) at one of the following institutions:

  • University College Dublin

  • Maastricht University

  • London School of Economics & Political Science

  • University of Kent

  • University of Leuven

  • ARENA Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo

  • University of Tampere

The bursary is for €2000 (towards accommodation and subsistence costs) + flights (up to a maximum of €500).

Residencies will be awarded on a competitive basis and assessed through a blind peer-review process. Applicants must demonstrate the added value to their doctoral project of the proposed residency. Successful applicants will be expected to produce a report following their residency which will be submitted to the ANTERO network.

Students will need to contact a prospective supervisor to discuss their project and access to facilities.

The ANTERO bursary is ONLY available to pay for:

  • travel to and from your research destination

  • accommodation at your destination

  • food at your destination

  • local transport at your destination

All other ancillary costs should be covered by the student undertaking the residency.

Please note that the ANTERO bursaries do not cover:

  • Costs related to visas or visa applications

  • Any university fees related to the residency

  • Medical and travel insurance

Residencies can take place between 1 April 2016 and 18 August 2017.

How to apply
Applicants must submit their application form 2 months before the proposed start date of the residency. The final date for submitting an application is 5 June 2017.

The application form can be found here

Please contact Joshua Barritt at UACES for further details:

April 25

ANTERO Conference Support for Early Career Stage Colleagues

October 13

Professor Whitman interviewed by Finish daily Aamulhti