Submitted by University College of Dublin on Fri, 12/23/2016 - 15:09
The ANTERO Doctoral Studies Residencies bursary and exchange programme of the ANTERO network allows PhD researchers from within the network to apply for bursaries that would support an extended residency (1-3 months) at another institution within the network. This scheme has already helped a few doctoral students within the network with their research, even beyond their PhD dissertation. Read some of their testimonies below:
Irina Petrova, Doctoral Candidate at Leuven International and European Studies (LINES) Institute, KU Leuven.
ANTERO exchange destination: Tampere University
“The research stay at Tampere University provided me with a number of unique professional opportunities. First and foremost, it contributed to my research in several ways: by extending the network of contacts, getting to know the researchers working at Tampere University, obtaining feedback on my research and exchanging ideas.”
“Importantly, the research stay provided me with the opportunity to discuss my doctoral research in-depth with the colleagues from the University of Tampere. My ongoing research was discussed at the doctoral seminar, which is a regular meeting of Politics department, chaired by Prof. Tuomas Forsberg. The doctoral seminar was attended by professors and researchers of the department. The paper was sent in advance and discussed in-depth at the meeting.”
“Thus, this although short but very intense research stay undoubtedly contributed to my research, as well as more broadly into the development of teaching and administration skills.”
Read Irina’s full report.
Igor Merheim-Eyre, PhD Candidate in International Relations, University of Kent.
ANTERO exchange destination: Katholieke University (KU) Leuven
“Overall, the Department of International Relations (LINES) provided me with excellent work place, and access to University resources. My work mainly focused on finalising my doctoral thesis, as well as developing a new research agenda for my post-PhD careers. During my stay, I successfully finalised the first full draft of my thesis, and I am currently finalising a second draft, with the aim of making a third and final revision before Christmas 2016.”
“I feel that the stay has been a fantastic opportunity, allowing me to work towards the finalisation of my PhD, helped me to develop new areas for research, while providing me with the possibility of learning about latest developments in decision-making and in academia. To this end, I would very much like to thank the ANTERO Network for the very kind financial support, which has been of huge help, and to Professor Whitman for supporting my applications. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to Professor Stephan Keukeleire, and all students and staff who have made me feel so welcomed in Leuven, and with whom we had hours of stimulating discussions on so many academic topics! This has been a truly fantastic opportunity.”
Read Igor’s full report.
Anastasia Mitronatsiou, PhD Candidate at Maastricht University
ANTERO exchange destination: Katholieke University (KU) Leuven
"The research stay at the Global Governance Centre provided me with the opportunity to gain deeper knowledge in the field under research and to cultivate an academic working network. The fact that the Centre brings together senior and junior experts from outside and inside the University to engage in intellectual debates has been a great source of knowledge for me."
"My research stay at KU Leuven has allowed me to gain deeper theoretical knowledge and to enrich my analytical skills into the practice of EU informal governance. More specifically, I gained a more detailed knowledge and a better understanding especially in EU external relations, the European Parliament’s new empowered role in the after Lisbon era and on Parliamentary cooperation."
Read Anastasia's full report.
Hayley Walker, Research Associate and Doctoral Candidate at Leuven International and European Studies (LINES) Institute, KU Leuven
ANTERO exchange destination: ARENA Centre for European Studies at the University of Oslo
“My research stay at ARENA added value to my PhD in three main ways: through the new publication I was working on with [Dr Helene Sjursen], through the insights that derived from my work on this publication that are of relevance to my doctoral research and through the experience of working and networking within a closely-knit research group.”
“ARENA offers a great many opportunities for social interaction and networking between administration staff, doctoral researchers and senior researchers. These opportunities involved daily lunches which were taken together, Tuesday seminars in which research is presented and discussed and the annual ARENA summer party.”
Read Hayley's full report.
Nele Marianne Ewers-Peters, PhD Candidate and Teaching Assistant, University of Kent
ANTERO exchange destination: Katholieke University (KU) Leuven
“The Faculty of Social Sciences at KU Leuven offers a wide range of valuable resources. LINES provided me with my own desk in a shared office, which was helpful to carry out my work. The research environment was stimulating, but peaceful, which was especially great for being productive. Moreover, the faculty has its own specialised library with a great selection of resources.”
“Lastly, the proximity of KU Leuven and the LINES Institute to Brussels, and thus to the institutions of the EU and NATO were of great use and help. During my research stay, I therefore used the location of Leuven to carry out my fieldwork. Since one part of my doctoral studies includes the execution of field research with these Brussels-based institutions, I was able to undertake interviews with officials of both the EU and NATO.”
Read Nele’s full report.
For details on how and when to apply for the ANTERO Doctoral Studies Residencies bursary click HERE.