Sabancı University
Key Staff
Sabancı University (SU) established in 1996, is consistently ranked among the top three universities in Turkey and is currently ranked 48 in the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings. According to the Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), SU has been internationally recognized as one of the most innovative and research-oriented universities in Turkey. The University employs more than 700 staff members and teaches to 4043 undergraduate and 1014 graduate students.
The research activities at SU aim to enrich educational programmes while contributing to social and economic development at the regional, national and international levels. SU aspires to become an international reference point for innovation in education in research, adapting an interdisciplinary educational infrastructure. The mission is twofold: i) To develop internationally competent and confident individuals, enriched with the ability to reflect critically and independently, combined with a strong sense of social responsibility; and ii) To contribute to the development of science and technology on a global level, as well as disseminating the knowledge created to the benefit of the community. At the national level, SU has received the highest number of EU funded projects per faculty member, taking part in 20 FP6 projects, 53 FP7 projects including 37 Marie Curie Grants, 12 Cooperation Projects and 4 Capacities Projects. Under Horizon 2020 innovation and research framework program, 33 projects have been funded so far. SU also has a commendable performance in the EU funded education programmes, with 5 Jean Monnet European Modules, 3 Jean Monnet Chairs ad personam and 1 Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. These European grants constitute about 15% of the SU’s total budget for research.
The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence for European Studies at SU is currently a leading research and teaching center for the study of European integration in Turkey. The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence is located within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at SU. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences where the centre is located has PhD degree programs in Economics, Political Science and History as well as seven different post graduate programs including an MA programme in European Studies.
Photo credit: Cerian