The European defence policy and PESCO

NORTIA teaching case study

Developed by Nikki Ikani, Leiden University & King´s College London

This case study is designed to teach students about the development of PESCO. It has two main aims. First, it allows students the aim to explore the concept and value of critical junctures in European Security and Defence in a bottom-up way. Without overburdening the students with theoretical notions, this case study generates an in-class discussion about what such moments of opportunity entail and what they mean for EU foreign policy. The key learning objective of this case study is indeed the importance of such critical junctures not just in European security and defence cooperation, but in European foreign policymaking in general. Second, given the empirical detail provided, this case study can also be used purely as an empirical case study of the challenges surrounding European integration in the area of security and defence, of the development of PESCO and the various actors and factors that contributed to its development.

Be sure to download both documents - they are to be used in conjunction with one another (see below).

NORTIA Teaching Case Studies

NORTIA teaching plans are open-access and freely downloadable resources. They are “free to use” and “free to adjust” to make them work for your class.  For an overview of all NORTIA teaching case studies, click here.

NORTIA teaching case study consists of two parts: the “case study” to be shared with students, and the “teaching plan”. The case study is shared with students before the class, and students are encouraged to prepare the case study in depth. The teaching plan explains the learning objective, the rationale, and suggestions of how to use the teaching case study. It is meant as guidance for the academic instructor. For further guidance on how to teach with case studies we recommend the “case teaching resources” from the Harvard Kennedy School, and in particular their detailed guidance on “how to use teaching case studies” in practice.

The NORTIA teaching case studies are a starting point for European foreign policy teaching. In practice, it is likely that you as instructors will adjust the materials to your course, the background knowledge of your students, your teaching style etc. We would be really keen to hear from you on how you used the teaching case study, made it work for your setting and how it supported your teaching and the learning of your students. Please share your insights with us at

This NORTIA teaching case study was written by Dr Nikki Ikani, Leiden University/King’s College London,, , in support by Professor Ben Tonra, MRIA, UCD College of Social Sciences and Law and UCD School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe), This case study initiative and the NORTIA Jean Monnet network received financial support from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under the grant agreement 587725-EPP-1-2017-1-NL-EPPJMO-NETWORK. NORTIA teaching plans are open-access and freely downloadable resources. NORTIA teaching cases are developed solely as the basis for class discussions. Cases are not intended to serve as endorsements, sources of primary data, or illustrations of effective of ineffective teaching or management.