Submitted by University College of Dublin on Wed, 06/29/2016 - 11:43
The ANTERO network on EU foreign policy goes from strength to strength with recent awards of conference funding and travel bursaries to PhD students and early career scholars associated with the eight-member teaching and research consortium (Kent, KU Leuven, LSE, Maastricht, Oslo, Tampere, UACES and UCD Dublin). Academics within the network have also been active in delivering special lectures, workshops and master classes at UCD, Maastricht, LSE and Tampere - with many more planned. Dedicated research sections and panels have also been organised at the forthcoming UACES and EISA conferences in London and Izmir respectively. Teaching and research panels/papers are also being organised for the Spring 2017 EUSA conference in Miami (!) Finally, a series of teaching aids and supports are being developed - with the very first teaching innovation 'fiches', being uploaded to the dedicated web site. The consortium is anxious to hear from colleagues willing to contribute ideas to the development of more teaching supports and making these available to colleagues world-wide.
In the meantime, the consortium is also planning its second network event in London - at the London School of Economics and Political Science, 16-18 November. Please make a note in your diaries now. This will include research panels on the external legitimacy of EU foreign, security and defence policies, as well as plenary sessions on third-country perceptions of EU foreign policy and dedicated sessions for graduate students. Please keep an eye on our twitter feed @antero_Erasmus for details of open calls for papers and participation in the network conference itself. Applications for conference funding and travel bursaries are always welcome - as are those wishing to avail themselves of the 'research-buddy' system to get high-level expert feedback on draft journal articles. Details on all of these supports are available at the ANTERO web site: